Journal of Pediatric Surgery guidelines

Congress edition of Journal of Pediatric Surgery


For all  papers accepted for oral or poster presentation (not case reports or videos) that will be part of our 2024 programme we will be considering manuscripts for the congress edition of the JPS!


Presenters of oral and poster papers that have been accepted for presentation at Congress 2024 (NOT case reports, or videos), can submit a manuscript for consideration for publication in the Congress edition of the JPS.

Please submit your manuscript electronically to the BAPS office [email protected].
You should get an email to confirm that the office has received your manuscript. If you do not receive this within 48hrs, please contact the office to ensure that we have received your manuscript.


The various elements of the manuscript should be supplied as separate files:

  1. Title page: should include the title, authors, institution(s), name of the corresponding author and contact address, phone number and current email address.
  2. Abstract (<250 words) and keywords (<5)
  3. Highlights: 4-5 bullet points (<50 words)
  4. Manuscript and references including any legends for the figures or tables at the end.
    (Note reference style example – more than three authors: Seo T, Ito T, Ishiguro Y, et al: New neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit with a self-regulating pump. Surgery 1994; 115:463-472.)
  5. Figures and/or tables (as separate numbered files): Figures should be saved as high quality TIFF, JPEG or EPS files etc and certainly not embedded in the Word or PowerPoint files. COLOUR images will be CHARGED for.

Please direct any queries on submitted manuscripts or the submission process to:
Professor Mark Davenport, UK editor for the Journal of Pediatric Surgery. [email protected]

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