Augusto Zani, Journal of Pediatric Surgery Lecturer at our 71st Congress
Added 18/12/2024 in What's New?
BAPS in Bruges: the sequel
Augusto Zani
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Lecturer (2025)
On its return to Bruges in July 2025, Augusto Zani is to be the next Journal of Pediatric Surgery Lecturer
Augusto, has led a peripatetic cosmopolitan lifestyle since graduating in medicine in Rome in 2001. In his early life he flirted with Roman politics, becoming an elected counsellor and at one point meeting Margaret Thatcher – an obvious idol.
He even followed her back to London and embarked on a surgical career with a prestigious research post in the Agostino Pierro research labs at Great Ormond Street acquiring a PhD and a life-long relationship with his favourite subject – the amniotic fluid stem cell. So much potential, so many abstracts in so many meetings of the time.
He tried to pursue a surgical career in the UK, working at King’s, the Royal London and Belfast for a time, and memorably flirting with the MRCS and FRCS but the wise ones on the UK training programme preferred others and he re-joined Agostino this time in SickKids in Toronto in 2014 where he soon became part of the faculty, associate professor and a successful attending surgeon.
Augusto is an academic pocket battleship with his own ZANILAB in Toronto, a million dollar research budget, over 200 articles to his name with highly-cited work on CMV and biliary atresia, NEC, diaphragmatic hernia and the inevitable amniotic fluid stem cell.
He is an executive board member at EUPSA and newly appointed Executive Editor for the Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
In the words of the social commentator – Katy Perry – “In another life, I would make you stay, so I don’t have to say you were…..The one that got away”.
Curated by Mark Davenport